Tuesday, March 25, 2025
Home Aims and objectives

Aims and objectives

Foster core values

To foster the values of equality, fraternity and communal harmony among its members and disseminate these values across wider sections of the Kerala society

Centre of studies and research

To make the Memorial a centre of studies and research in the areas of social and cultural renaissance of Kerala, social justice and equity, social inclusion, media, culture and inter-faith dialogues.

Strive for the advancements

To strive for the advancement of general, scientific, technical, professional and literary faculties of the people, in general, and the minority and marginalised communities in particular, irrespective of caste, creed, religion or sex

Bring out comprehensive series of volumes

To bring out a comprehensive series of volumes on the mission and achievements of minority communities, including a volume on the leaders of the renaissance period in the sphere of socio-economic, cultural and educational development in Kerala.

Place the contributions of Vakkom Moulavi

To place the contributions of Vakkom Moulavi, a pioneer of Kerala renaissance, in the wider context of Kerala and India

A modern library and documentation centre

To establish a modern library and documentation centre for studies, research and consultation

Offer consultancy services

To offer consultancy services by initiating studies and analyses on the social issues aforesaid

Organise seminars and workshops

To organise and conduct seminars, conferences, workshops, symposia, classes etc and bring out the findings and recommendations of such exercises

Facilitate internships

To facilitate internships in the specified areas of social policy

Undertake research programmes

To undertake specific research programmes, project studies, surveys, and production of documentaries, etc.

Social policy making

To collaborate with governments, universities and other centres of learning, local bodies, quasi-government agencies and state level, national level institutions and associations in their socio-economic development programmes devoted to social policy making.

Institute awards and fellowships

To institute awards and fellowships in recognition of merit or for encouraging talent.

Institute endowments

To institute endowments by itself or undertake the management and administration of endowments at the instance of individuals or institutions or take over existing endowments providing scholarships, fellowship etc. for education or research, social development, welfare activities etc.

Arrange annual memorial lectures

To institute an endowment in the name of Vakkom Moulavi for arranging Annual Memorial Lectures.

Launch website to assist studies

To launch a website in the name of the Memorial and publish or help assist studies and publication on the issues outlined before.

Publish periodic e-journals

To publish an e-journal/e-News Letter which will also be highlighting the activities of the Memorial.

Fulfillment of objectives

To initiate and fulfil all things that are in furtherance of the aims and objectives of the Memorial.