Friday, October 18, 2024
Vakkom Moulavi Memorial and Research Centre, Vakkom In association with Centre for the Study of Society and Secularism (CSSS), MumbaiVMMRC - CSSS Distinguished Lecture 2022 Theme: Challenges to Indian Democracy By Prof. Ram Puniyani(Former Professor, IIT, Mumbai and President,...
VMMRC is observing this year’s Iinternational Women’s Day on 8 March 2022 with a focal theme, Breaking Patriarchy in Media: A Reality Check. We are glad to have Mrs. SAGARIKA GHOSE, a well-known and award-winning journalist and writer (currently Consulting...
Many assume that religion and politics are antagonistic realms of human engagement, and hence theological and political standpoints are seen as competing, if not conflicting, discourses. When religion becomes an ideology and enters the political arena, it engenders new...