SAGARIKA GHOSE Speaks on International Women’s Day @ VMMRC


VMMRC is observing this year’s Iinternational Women’s Day on 8 March 2022 with a focal theme, Breaking Patriarchy in Media: A Reality Check.

We are glad to have Mrs. SAGARIKA GHOSE, a well-known and award-winning journalist and writer (currently Consulting Editor, Times of India) who will be in conversation with a senior journalist Mrs. SARASWATHY NAGARAJAN (Deputy Editor, The Hindu) on 8 March 2022.

The programme is arranged through a Zoom Meeting on 8 March, Tuesday at 7.00 PM (IST)

The Link for the meeting is provided below

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 874 0878 4144
Passcode: vmmrc1873

You can also Watch LIVE on YouTube