Vakkom Moulavi Memorial Research Centre is organising A. Shahul Hameed Sahib Memorial Lecture – 2022 to be delivered by Dr. Abdel Latif Chalikandi, a renowned scholar and Cultural Advisor, Tawasul Europe Centre for Research and Dialogue, Rome on the theme British Raj: Orientalism, Power and Formation of Indian History on Saturday, 8 January 2022 at 07:00 PM (IST).
Mujeeb Rahman Kinaloor, Chairman, Vakkom Moulavi Centre for Studies and Research, Kozhikode will chair the session.
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A. Shahul Hameed (1930-2018) was a great scholar and writer who associated himself with several organizations and endeavours in Kerala committed to the cause of education, peace and communal harmony. He was a passionate follower and promoter of the teachings and insights of Vakkom Moulavi. Even while working as a senior official in the Government of Kerala, Shahul Hameed devoted his time and energy to the study of religion, science and literature, contributed several articles and made scholarly interventions over a period. He also translated and published some prominent writings of scholars.

Dr. Abdel Latif Chalikandi served as one of the Executive Directors of Maqasid Institute of Philosophy of Law, based in Rome, and Cultural Advisor of Tawasul Europe Centre for Research and Dialogue, Rome. Dr. Abdel Latif is an internationally known Indian scholar of religious studies, law, post-colonialism and philosophy. Over the past two decades, Dr. Abdel Latif has contributed enormously to interfaith understanding and building a humanistic approach to legal, cross-cultural and religious studies, as he worked in countries like Kuwait, the UK, Italy, etc. He has lectured in some of the prestigious universities, academic centers and think tanks in Europe and the Middle East, besides mentoring and guiding a large number of European and American students, researchers, academics, diplomats and other policy makers in the fields such as interfaith literacy, peacebuilding and media studies. Dr. Abdel Latif has taught and guided the students and researchers of NATO Defense College Rome, University of Tor Vergata Rome, Sapianza University of Rome, Loyola University Rome Centre, etc. As the cross-cultural and interfaith expert at Tawasul Centre for Publishing, Research and Dialogue, he has also taught many visiting student groups from Columbia University, Yale University and many other student delegations from various American and European universities. Dr. Abdel Latif, after completing his LLB from Calicut Law College, went on to study his LLM at the prestigious Aligarh Muslim University, passing LLM, with First Class and gaining second rank at the university level. Later, in the late 1990s, Dr. Abdel Latif spent a term as a visiting researcher at Oxford University affiliated Oxford Centre for Islamic Studies, following which he obtained his MPhil research degree from University of Birmingham, England, specializing in the concept of human nature in the thoughts of the medieval Christian philosopher Thomas Aquinas. And, following his MPhil, Dr. Abdel Latif studied the life and works of Edward Said, the famous author of Orientalism, for his doctoral research. Dr. Abdel Latif is deeply interested in the six classical Indian philosophical systems, classical Islamic law, post-colonial studies, the works of Joseph Conrad, V.S.Naipaul, the medieval Andalusian jurist Ibn Hazam, etc. Dr. Abdel Latif has played and continues to play a key role in guiding the various translation projects of Indian and other eastern classics into Italian undertaken by his wife and the noted European philosopher and cultural critic Dr Sabrina Lei. Some of Dr. Abdel Latif works on Indian philosophy and religious humanism are set to be released early next year. Dr. Abdel Latif is also deeply interested in human rights and the question of human dignity, inspired by the life and works of the late Justice V.M. Tarkunde, with whom he worked very closely during his LLM study period in Aligarh.